I got firmware updates through WebUSB working for 1st and 2nd gen TYT radios last night. Previously it onl;y supported 1st gen (single banders).
Bonus is that it covers a couple aspects of firmware updates that my old md380tools implementations, radio_tool, editcp, and others didn’t catch. Plus it’s cleaner. I also discovered a bug in radio_tool that I’ll see about fixing later.
WebUSB firmware updates opens up some really interesting possibilities, like easily testing OpenRTX, or md380tools, and easily flashing back to OEM. No software to install, nothing to compile, no drivers. It “just works”.
Does WebUSB still leave all the Windows and Firefox people out? Yep. Windows for the way it handles USB device drivers, and Firefox for not implementing WebUSB (Which is the correct decision overall, I think). Yes, this does kinda take the power out of the “no drivers” claim. I can’t do anything about that for now, though I do have a couple ideas on how to address that in the longer run.